BUSH FAIRIES - May Gibbs - Australian Author and Illustrator
Detail of the artwork "Snugglepot and Cuddlepie" turn 100 years old this year, so to celebrate this event, I decided it would be patriotic to create an artwork. Images of them are being projected onto the fronts of buildings as part of the VIVID festival. You should check out this Sydney festival on Google. Its fantastic!!!!! May Gibbs began her life in Australia after immigrating from England with her parents in 1881. Her first published book, "The Gumnut Babies", was published in 1916. Her most famous book, "Snugglepot and Cuddlepie", was published in 1918 as part of the end-of-World-War-1 celebrations. Like all of her books, she illustrated this books with bush fairies, bush creatures and, of course, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie . May Gibbs had a strong understanding of the Australian bush and a great love of nature. She imparted this through her books and illustrations. She wanted all children, not just Au...