Aboriginal Gum Leaf Artwork

I have been dying to try this out on my students. It is a simple artwork to create but is very visually effective. There are lots of lines.....lots and lots and lots.....
Detailed images of the artwork....

1. I collected heaps of flattish gum leaves from my backyard. (I think the neighbours have become a little concerned about my mental well being).
2. I drew a repeated Aboriginal symbol on each leaf. You could draw a variety of symbols. This Step has options. I used posca pens as the paint in the pen sticks to the leaf surface.
3. I used a warm colour scheme but you could use cool colours or a variety of colours. This Step also has options.
4. I outlined the symbols on each leaf with a fine line Artline black pen.
5. Glue the leaves to black cardboard. I used a quick dry glue and gently pressed the leaf flat with a piece of paper on top of it,  so that it would adhere to the cardboard as flat as possible. There may be some cracking in the leaf but I think this adds to the artwork.
6. With white posca pen, I drew around each leaf, leaving a small gap from the edge of the leaf.
7. Add in other gum leaf shapes with the central vein of the leaf.
OPTION: I chose to use white as I wanted to create an artwork that the students would be able to see clearly. It wasn't really for artistic reason, although the white really stands out against the black background. You could use any colour to complete the background but it should be only ONE COLOUR.
8. I then used a small white posca pen to draw in small lines in the leaves in different diagonal directions. You need to take your time doing this Step. If the little lines are too far apart, the effect they create becomes lost. Close and straight works wonders.
9. Last Step: I added in some other lined spaces with light blue, light green and red thin posca pens. I'm not sure I should have done that but it looks OK.

WORKSHEET - Practising Aboriginal Symbols and Patterns

As soon as I have some student artwork pics, I will post them. I am presenting this artwork to a group of Year 3/4 students in the next couple of week.....


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