BINARY CODE DRAWING - Year 4/5 Science: Digital Technologies.

   This is the second artwork I created using binary code as my inspiration. Students will draw a koala using only a "0" and a "1" to create the texture of fur and tone. We will need to do some practise drawing but I think they will enjoy the challenge.

   This could be the end of the artmaking process but my aim here is to introduce students to ways of making digital artworks, starting with a drawing (traditional artmaking technique).

   I left the image as full colour. Using WORDFOTO, an Apple app on my iPad, I turned the drawing into a digital artwork using the binary code. WordFoto is so easy to use and allows you to import your own words and symbols.

Here, I turned the image into black and white before importing it into WORDFOTO. Again, I used the binary code numerical system of 0 and 1 only.


NOTE: While my Year 5/6 students are working on their digital artwork, they will also be doing this drawing. I have access to a  limited numbers of computers so the kids will need something to do while they wait for their turn.

   I have printed off some old graph paper (A4 is size) to do the drawing on, plus some Resource Images. The images are line drawings so students should be able to see quite clearly where they need to draw a "0" and where they need to draw a "1". They should also be able to understand how overlapping the "0" and "1" will create various tones. We will explore using size, drawing the symbols bogger and smaller to create variety

   This is the old graph paper I printed. If I can find some graph paper before we start this artwork, I will use that instead. I want the background to have a "technological feel" and I think graph paper will compliment the binary code symbols and drawing technique.
   I still have to create the sample artwork an, once its done, I will upload it to this post.

   Before I forget....thanks to everyone for taking the time to look at my blog. I appreciate your support. Please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like some help with via the


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