STUDENT ARTWORKS - Art Club - Aboriginal Wildflowers

For one Lunchtime a week, I ran an Art Club which was very popular. I had to narrow the group down to 10 students instead of the 30 or so students who wanted to join. Just too many for the minimal amount of time I had.
   Anyway, these are the results. I must apologise for the poor quality images. I forgot to take my iPad to school and had to use the camera on my phone. I don't like it. It doesn't take very good photos but I hope you can overlook that and see the beautiful artworks the kids created.
   The students worked in pairs or alone, and when the artworks were finished, they formally presented them to the Principal a gifts for the school. A very nice gesture I thought.
   I posted the HOW TO INSTRUCTIONS to create this artwork  in the post Wildflowers - Contemporary Aboriginal Art way back on 7/8/2017.






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