STUDENT ARTWORKS COMPLETED - CLAY WORK - Low Relief Sculpture - Year 5 and 6

   As promised, here are the Year 5/6 ceramic plates we made on 11.8.2018. Students sand papered  the edges of their plates to remove excess clay that always hangs over the edge of the mould. They then gave the top part of the plate a light coat of white acrylic paint to act as an undercoat.
   To paint and decorate our plates we used acrylic paint. The paint was absorbed pretty rapidly so students had to work quickly when blending colours. As I had taught them how to do this on a canvas painting, they adapted well to having to work faster than normal.
   We did some drybrushing with metallic bronze and warm silver to highlight textures carved into the clay.
   When the students were finished, I gave their plates a coat of gloss spray vanish but I soon realised that I had to give the plates three coats. Even though the clay was dry and had layers of acrylic paint, it was still very absorbent. Three coats finally did the job.
   I hope you like their work. It was the first time any of the students had done anything with clay so I was pleased with their work. Well done Year 5/6S!!!! Ms Slawski and I are very proud of you all......




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