CLAY WORK - Pinch Pot Monster - Years 3 and 4

   Later on this week, I will be doing an all-day art lesson with a Year 4 class. I have taught this class many times, they are a great bunch of little people and we have a great rapport.
   It is because of this that I decided to do clay work with them, teaching them the basic construction techniques - pinch pots, slabs and coils.
   I saw on Pinterest, the work of Dean DeRosso (hope I spelt that right) and immediately though of my Year 4 kids. They will love making their own little clay monsters.
   I have made up some teaching resources with information to help the students better understand how to make a pinch pot and included an example of a monster created by Dean DeRosso.
   In case we finish up early, I have also made a simple art appreciation/evaluation worksheet and a drawing worksheet. Feel free to use them if they suit your needs.

   Pics of student's work to come .............


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