PRINTMAKING with iPad Apps - Linocut, Silkscreen, Woodblock and Etching

These are fantastic apps for learning about printmaking. I used them with students from Year 7 to Year 10 in Visual Arts. They are really good for "practising" what you want to do before you do it.

This app is great and the finished effect really does look like a lino block print!!! You have to "carve" the image yourself. Only drawback is the free app only has 2 or 3 tools but if you purchase the app, you get the lot and there are quite a few. Really good app for learning about "positive' and "negative" lines/space.
I love this app!!!! a really good way to learn about the process of silkscreen printing without all the mess.
 There are a lot of Japanese style effects in this app.

I like this app but I like black and white images a lot......


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