Years 9 and 10 Students - Creating a Movie Poster - Digital Artwork

This is one of the assessable tasks I set my Elective Visual Design students back in 2014. Feel free to use any of these resources.....

Creating a Poster based on a New Animated Movie about to be Released in Cinemas

1.You are required to create a POSTER using the cartoon character you have previous created or you may create a new character.
2. Your poster is about a new animated movie that is about to be released in cinemas.
3. Your poster must include:
a. title
b. all relevant movie logos such as the film rating, movie company producing the movie, etc
c. the character or characters that you have created.
  d. some words or text that acts as an introduction to the movie  - this is called a verbal trailer
  e. Special effects that create a strong visual attractions for the audience.
As part of the course work, we looked closely at composition techniques, especially the Rule of Thirds.


I also put together some information on MOVIE POSTER DESIGN TIPS....



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