Collaged Rabbit Artwork

This is another one of those raging success artworks. I did this artwork with a Year 4 group, aged 9 - 10 years. I had heaps of examples of student artworks but I have lost them somewhere on this thing they call a computer!!...wait an UPDATE...I have found them......
1. I downloaded heaps of free outline drawings from colouring page sites and printed the rabbit onto A4 card stock. It is easier for the kids to collage their rabbit this way. Once collaged, it is outlined with black marker and cut out along the edge of the black marker.
2. I also prepared my own collage papers using free vintage paper that I downloaded from Pinterest.
3. I talked to the students about gluing pieces of paper down as tone. I also talked about how the glue had to cover the entire piece of paper, not just a dab in the middle. Students also discovered that tearing the paper is easier and quicker than cutting it with scissors.
4. I prepared pieces of A3 watercolour paper with a combination of black and blue ink and painted it on.  You get a nice watercolour effect.
5. Before gluing the collaged rabbit onto the watercolour paper, we talked about composition and how the placement of things in an artwork can create interest for the viewer.
6. The students drew flowers and grass onto the background with a coloured pencil so their drawing could be seen. They then collaged in the objects using bright collage papers.
7. The final step was to add oil crayon/oil pastels into the background as textured colour. I talk tho the kids about the difference between applying the crayon as a texture rather than a scribble.

 Not too bad for kids that are only 8 - 9 years old!!!!


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