STUDENT ARTWORKS - Year 3/4 - BEAUTIFUL BABIES - Baby Orangutans - Black Ink Wash

   We had fun today creating these gorgeous artworks. I am so impressed with how the students were able to capture the personalities of baby orangutans. Cute but ugly and lovable. 
   The students had previous studied Indonesia, in particular Sumatra, as their Place in Geography. This enabled them to be highly active and informative during our discussions about the orangutan, its status as critically endangered and how we can better look after this precious animal.
How To Instructions can be found in the post Beautiful Babies posted on 4th DEcember, 2019. 
   Please note that I did modify one Step slightly. Instead of outline the pencil drawing with black ink and a thin brush, we outlined in peramanent black marker. I did this as I knew we would have a 20 - 25min interruption and I wanted to be sure the artwork was completed by the end of the day.

   Well done to Year 3/4 at Windsor South Public School, NSW, Australia.....

The coloured chalk pastel work was not applied to this artwork, but I think it shows that the art making process could stop at this stage.
Really like this drawing.



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