INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING A FLABBIT: Stage 1, Year 2, History of the Local Hawkesbury Region.

All instructions for creating this artwork have now been included. I really enjoyed making this artwork with my Year 2 students. I think they enjoyed it as well.

STEP 6: Glue the flabbit to a piece of A3 coloured cardboard.

STEP 7: Using coloured wrapping paper, added flower shapes, clouds, dragonflies, butterflies, etc around the flabbit. Students need to tear the coloured paper into the shape of clouds, butterfly wings, etc. I use wrapping paper as it is bright, colourful and cheap.

STEP 8: With a back marker, outline the flowers, butterflies, etc that have been added to the background.

STEP 9: Use oil pastels. Students need to select ONE COLOUR (not white or black) and add some "controlled scribbling" in the background. I gave a demonstration showing the difference between "out-of-control scribble" and "controlled scribble". I wanted the colour of the cardboard to be seen and become part of the artwork.


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