STUDENT ARTWORKS - DRAWING DRAWINGS - Watercolour Mixed Media Artwork

 I posted this artwork on June 1st, 2021 and it has had an instant reaction from everyone. Thank you for all of your encouraging words, I appreciate it.

Anyway, I presented this artwork to a Year 5/6 class and they were engaged from start to finish. They did a fantastic job with following the tutorials and in making their dragons their own.

Here are their artworks. I hope you like them. I love them all. There was one slight variation to the Instructions. I had students add a randomly drawn outline to further define their image after they applied some lead pencil shading.

This first artwork was not created by me. It is the work of a incredibly talented young lady who I think has no comprehension of her wonderful her drawing and artistic skills. She did all of it without any of help from me. I just let her go. Its a beautiful artwork.

Well done to all the students in Year 5/6 Murray at Windsor Park Public, NSW, Australia.....


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