These little guys are only 6 and 7 years old. I am so proud of what they have done. They responded so well to the directed drawing component.
Following are the Instruction for the drawing task.

1. Once the student have completed the lion drawing, they need to go over the drawing with a black marker.

2. Students then need to draw lines on the face to create shapes. There should not be an abundance of shapes as this will make it hard to see the lion head and features later on.
3. With a black maker, students need to draw lines from the egde of the lion's mane to the edge of there paper. NOTE: I used thin white ticket board as it has more strength than the usual drawing litho paper.
4. Students now use Sharpie coloured markers and fill in ALL the shapes in the artwork. This is the longest part of creating the artworks and it depends on the dexterity student as to how long it takes. My little Year 1/2 guys took about 2 hours.
5. When all the shapes are filled in, students add in patterns with Posca paint pens. They were given thick and thin pens to use.  also gave a demonstration on what a pattern was and then showed them how to apply the patterns to their artwork to get the best result.
6. The lines and shapes used need to be neatly applied and make sure the entire shape is filled.
7. Some shapes need to be left untouched. Not every shape has to have a pattern but students can fill in all the shapes if they have the time.
8. It may be necessary to have go back over their original black marker lines as they tend to disappear after the patterns work is completed. Retracing the lines will re-establish the image.
9. Students then need to go around the edge of the lion's mane with a much thicker line. This will make the lion stand out off the background.
10. Students then need to go around the edge of the face, nose/mouth area with a thicker line in black marker. This will make the face stand out.
11. After that, it is just a matter of neatening up areas in the artwork. Line work, more patterns, etc.



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