Collage Artwork - Me and My Pal (Cats and Dogs)

I presented this artwork to students in Year 6, aged 11- 12 and we had a ball!! We totally trashed the teacher's room, paper everywhere!!!
1. The first things students need to do is create a drawing of a cat or dog using the grid drawing technique. I had heaps of pics all gridded up on a 1cm grid with a 2cm grid on A3 photocopy paper. Students selected a cat or dog pic, vertical or horizontal. They then received a vertical or horizontal A3 grid.
I showed the students how to transfer the 1cm gridded image to the 2cm grid. This technique enables students to achieve some degree of accuracy. At this age, they are wanting to draw with realism, so this at least gave them an opportunity.
3. Once the drawing was complete, they traced it onto a piece of thickish cardboard. The cardboard provided a base which needs to support the collage work. Students traced over their drawing with a black marker as the drawing needs to be clearly seen (as they start to collage, the outlines tend to disappear a bit)
4. Students can cut or tear the collage papers. The papers I used are gift wrapping papers which I got from the store which I cant name for 50cents each. Super cheap. You will need lots of different papers. I even used some scrapbooking papers that I had lying around.
5. I had students redraw the black marker outlines from time to time.
6. When the entire artwork is collaged (and white no spaces), students used Posca pens and metallic markers to add lines and details, like cat's whiskers.
   This artwork took a day and a half, about 9 hours to complete but the results were well worth the effort. I had to again bribe the students will lollipops to leave their artworks at school so their teacher could see their work.
   Here are some of the student artworks......aren't they just the best?!!!!!



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